
About seven months ago I started working on attracting my absolutely perfect man into my life. I stated that he will become my husband, we would have children, be very wealthy...basically the fairly tale. A couple of weeks after I started working on this desire, I met him. He was my prince charming. Great values, wanted a family, loved dogs, wealthy, successful, smart, charming...everything. Within two months he asked me to marry him. I couldn't believe it. We planned to elope in Thailand and have a private, intimate Buddhist wedding. (Neither of us are Buddhist, we just thought it would it very culturally and spiritually interesting). We got eachother wedding bands and both started wearing them....he loved his wedding band...he refused to take it off! We purchased a new car and leased a gorgeous condo together by the ocean. We were just a little short on money at the time, and the wedding was an additional $15-20k. He said it was just too much for right now, and asked if it would be alright not to have the wedding. I was crushed...devastated, to tell you the truth...but I agreed. Then he started talking about male psychology and how he feels the male mind was not programmed to be with one person for the rest of his life. He says he's terrified of waking up one day and wanting to have a tacky affair with a receptionist or something because of his "human male urges". He said he's getting kind of bored and doesn't know what is going on with him, but I shouldn't be worried. Ummmm? Hmmm.... a man just breaks off marriage with me and I shouldn't be worried? Wow...

So we moved in the condo, got the perfect dog, and now what? He won't even touch me. He used to be a very sexual person and now I'm lucky if he drapes his arm on me during sleep. He is very stressed at work and works long hours (it's an internet start-up, and he's one of the head guys). Now let me just throw this out there...I am a young, attractive woman. Blond hair, green eyes, petite, curvy. No concerns there. But now I find him giving more affection to the puppy than to me! He comes home and goes straight to pet the puppy and give him a hug. I just stand there, say hello and he walks around me as if I'm contagious. The only time he says "I love you" is when he leaves for work...so not romantic. So I feel like I get rejected over and over again.

Here is what I have been doing with the paraliminals:
1) Belief side B

2) Positive Relationships side B

3) Prosperity (to draw physical, emotional and mental love from him)

Before I even started to draw this man into my life I removed all negative thoughts, feelings and fears from myself (including things that I deserve, etc.)

Any ideas???