Hello Pelmeni,

First of all, I would like to apologize because I had quite a chuckle reading your post. It is not funny – yet somehow it is to me. At first, my reaction was your man is playing games with you. Some men do that. They like the chase or the early bits. But, my opinion changed by the time I finished reading your post.

So here are a couple of suggestions made based on my assumption of you believing that you create your own reality.

1. What changed? If he was such a dream man and was so lovey dovey then what happened that makes you THINK that he no longer pays enough attention to you?

2. Believe it or not, your looks are not everything! Your blond hair and green eyes will not keep him with you (Look at Charles and Camilla!). What will keep him is your support, understanding and your efforts of keeping that, which attracted him to you in the first place. So again I ask, what has changed since you two moved in together?

3. When he says he is getting bored – how do you react? What is so boring to him? You? Work? Life? What?

4. Why do you think he loves the puppy more? Read my post, at my blog again – because I do talk about cats and dogs (and I swear, I did not read your post before writing mine. That one, just related to my situation but it is ironic how I feel it will help you put things into perspective).

5. And lastly, if you are the creator – then have you considered you are creating the situation by focusing on what is not working rather than focusing on what will make it work?

We tend to make things difficult for ourselves. I have learnt this the hard way but today, I know that there is no situation that I cannot turn around to my advantage. And when I do, I am happy. And when I am happy, everyone and everything around me vibrates with joy.

You know what to do!

Last edited by Alex K. Viefhaus; 01/25/08 11:19 AM.