I'm also from Canada, but I lived in a relationship for fifteen years with a man who ignored me and paid more attention to our hamsters than me. Eventually, he kicked me and Pookee the Tenth out into the Manitoba snow and married a cross-eyed in- bred moron from Detroit that he met on the Internet. In a year and a half of their wedded bliss, he died of a weird heart ailment (poetic justice). In the meantime, I have met a wonderful Blues musician at ajam when visiting Louisanna in 2006. Unfortunately he lives 1400 miles away, and he is not divorced from a "crazy cat lady", so nothing's perfect in this new relationship. So, what's this DebDeb's point, you may ask? Sometimes we just attract turkeys and have to learn some lessons from the pain. I'm 43 and look 30, (shiny bruinette hair, hazel eyes, "English rose" complexion) but few of the men in Manitoba are actually romotely interested in me, taking that I'm very artistic, intellectual and original, which really disappoints them; so looks are not everything. Sometimes, going to new location and maintaining a positive outlook are our only saving graces.(In other words, you must physically be where you can attract the personalites that suit your type. And, obviously, Canadian guys don't think I'm their mug of Molsons.) I am presently listening to Instantanious Personal Magnetism, Prosperity, the New Option Generator, and Personal Genius - with some success. I too have a habit of focusing on my lacks and limitations, but the more I look around at my life, I notice that through being involved in my community by playing my mandolin, submiting my photos in the Art Centre's shows, etc. I'm am making more friends from all tax-brackets and thus I feel less distanced from humanity. Hope my imput can be of some help.

You're only young once, but you can be immature forever.