
I have been listening to Kelly Howells subliminals lately and I feel better over-all. I am listening to the Attract Love CD while falling asleep and so far it has been very pleasant. I enjoy the Learning Strategies paraliminals but something about them doesn't quite click for me...Not sure how to describe it.

Anyway, looking forward to hearing from all of you!

Thank you for all your help!

About Kelly Howell products - I think that some of us are just better suited to subliminals which is most of what her products are. I also love her products over many more out there.

That said - YOU MUST listen to NEW BEHAVIOUR and NEW HISTORY generator . It may seem like they are not working but YOU NEED TO BELIEVE! (And don't listen to the Belief paraliminal just yet).

Work with NBG and NHG. These two will hopefully teach you (generate a habit of) how to focus on the positive instead of underscoring that which is not happening. You have to know, that if you want something then think of ONLY that! Don't even give what is not working a second thought - the negative thoughts area retractor not an attractor!

If you own Kelly Howell's Deep Learning then use that to change your behaviour to help you work with the paraliminals provided by LSC.

I have found personally that LSC products work great with me when I am seeking behaviour change - not a magical solution or peace in mind and heart. But that's me. My mind and soul responds more to Brain Sync for instant answers.

Try one of my favourites from LSC - Instant Personal Magnetism - maybe that will help you radiate brighter aura of love than disappointment and he will respond more favourably to you and your ideas.

Last edited by decision2change; 12/14/07 01:16 AM.