
Obviously you have passed some "obstacles" in your progress becoming better at SFQ.

In which way is FAITH & CONFIDENCE Paraliminal good for Qi Gong?
In some way I don`t have so much faith in those cds (I have one of those).
I`m good in english but it`s not my home language.


Perhaps, I have passed some "obstacles". I hope so. On the other hand, it looks like I have come upon some others this weekend: I have a migraine right now and I am going to devote most of today to working with SFQ to help heal it. Today is an SFQ mini-retreat for me!

As for the Paraliminals:

I have a mixed success rate with all of the Paraliminals I have. I now have at least 25 or more. 10 Minute Supercharger is a life saver for me. I have used it a lot for over 2 years now with great results. It is a great way to get a quick "boost" to deal with fatigue, stress and complete one's day.

Self-Esteem Supercharger is another one that has worked very well for me.

Of the 4 Law of Attraction related new ones, I had a great experience with Happy for No Reason and the Jack Canfield, LOA Paraliminal. The rest of them, I have a mixed record with, mostly because I have trouble with the goal making stuff and the intentions at the beginning.

Oh, and Deep Relaxation and Prosperity have both seemed to yield some fruit.

I told you that to tell you this:

The SFQ Paraliminals are my absolute favorite and I have found much success with both of them.

They are essentially modified versions of guided SFQ meditations that Master Lin does on various formats, but with the addition of Paul Scheele's voice (i.e. on one channel, with Master Lin on the other) and the Paraliminal and Holosync technology added.

In my humble opinion, they are, de facto ways of practicing SFQ while listening! In other words, they are at least as much SFQ products as they are Paraliminals. Highly recommended. They have helped me a lot.

