I have a big problem whit my mind when I image stream.
When I start to image stream If I let my mind free the image stream starts up nice then every thing turns to destruction from a nice face turning scarry or a nice prosper city destroied by a nuke turning everything into war and chaos and all kinds like that.I heve to redirect the storry to a happy end (ex: war enemy captured and every thing rebuild). The same hapends when I put a pencil on a paper and let it draw i start drawing a few lines and the a monster comes out. I'm not kiding(if you want I can scan a page). The same when I improvise on my guitar only I can only get out sand sounds (I kind of do that often i like to create stuff like music, drawing; silly hobby).
I cand image stream eanything nice. I allsow try to use it on learning things wich it it is easy whit guitar for example but when I want to learn math my mind refuses to think. I beleve this is because my bad memmories for the past and I waht to ask if it is any whay to accept them or see more precisely wht my problems are (the over the wall tehnique dosen't work... my mind just blocks... the same whith math ). I whant to learn for the courses at my university like I lear on my guitar. I know it can be done... but don't know how.
If anyboddy can help me I thank him.