I found way to understand material that I don't like or its fustrating or I'm laizy or tierd at the moment and I just don't want to read it.
I wanted to shear it whit you in case it might be usefull for others or it can be modified to better.
This alsow helps u to see that u can learn things that u find hard or imposible.
It's preaty simple:
Relax yoursel whit the 321 tehnique(or relaxing music, I use the brain-sync... hope LS whil not get mad for saing this) then put the book in front of you open it on the pag u want to learn.
Then do this whit each part that you whant to learn(definition, theorem, ideea etc.):

0)just stear at it... in the center of the text and if you want open your vison field tryng to capture in the begining word(you will go daydreaming after a litle while). You will notice(whan you come back from day dreaming)that your eyes will jump to the beging and start to read for them selfs(if they don't no mater).
After this do the folowing steps:
1)"Read" the paragraph just by looking at the words
2)Read it fast
3)Ask yourself what dose it say(pause a few seconds you will feel an urge to read and a need to understand)
4)read it again slow
5)pause 3secs and go back to (1) till you fully understand.(usualy you don't have to go back)
It takes max 2min

After doing this super read the whole material a few times.

Works for me(I can understand hard math(analisis) in this way). The ideea is to stear at the material so that your concious mind goes in avoid mode(day dreaming- when you strat think of "1000 of places where you rather be")(in this moment you have photoread it). Then you activated it whit the steps.

This is a combination of puzzle rezolving and photoreading. Whn you have a hard puzzle to rezolve you usualy stare at it for a while then go into detail and after a while the ideea hits you when you are not thinking of the puzzle(going in daydream). Same thing here.
I know its slow but in time I belive I will get faster in time.(leard that from "The principles of corect practice for guitar": when i whant to do a fast song, i have to do piece by piece in slow motion and after a while of practising that way i go in hyper speed and play good)
I use this method when I konw that if I read a material in normal way I will give up in 2 minutes, or at activaton(photoreading I go daydreaming).
Another good thing that I take the things that I learn as dayly activities(I don't need to reacal them).

Hope it is useful. If not sorry for the usless thread. And please excuse my bad english.

Last edited by obogz; 12/06/07 06:36 PM.