
I may not understand, but I think you're saying that if you do not create your own reality then your experience in life is meaningless. I don't see how the two necessarily have to hook up together.

I don't think my life is meaningless, nor is the life of any other being.

I believe that meaning is created and experienced by us. It comes out of the relationships we have with one another. It comes from the fact that we have minds and hearts. There is nothing metaphysical, in my mind and heart, needed for someone to be meaningful and have a meaningful life.

I can look at an ant and see it going about its little ant life and be filled with a sense of meaning. This is the meaning of the ant's life to me. It's my creation, something that I am doing with my heart and mind. Does it really have anything to do with the ant outside of my subjectivity? Who knows? What does the ant's life mean to the ant? I have no idea. But a little life can touch something inside of me. Maybe I'm just an animated bag of meat that will disappear, aside from the memories others have of me and the ways I've touched their lives, when I die? Ok. I can live with that possibility. For me it's a great probability. Does it mean that I have no meaning? Of course it doesn't.

If we had no notions of anything metaphysical, even if nothing spiritual even exists at all, there is still meaning. Why? Because we are alive and intelligent. We experience it. It is part of our lives. No extra ingredients needed.

We don't need to believe that we are creating this whole thing. To me, I feel like... well, what does that have to do with anything? The fact that I *don't* create everything means a great deal to me. It means I can experience new things. I can be surprised. I am not responsible for everything. I have my own little place in the world, and I can live my life and figure my place out in the grand scheme of things. I don't have to be the almighty creator.


Regarding your statement about knowing that of which you speak, hey, give me a break. There are SO many different kooky variations on the theme here that there is no possible way for me to know the variety of new age philosophy you choose to believe. In any case, if you look at what I've written again from a different perspective, I think you'll see how it applies in a way that makes sense. My point was that fantasizing about a better situation doesn't necessarily bring one to you. Decisions and actions will. Believing in the power of fantasies can get in the way. If you believe in your fantasies, you can get yourself in deep crap. Unless you see things as how they really are and DO something about it, they won't get better. They'll get worse.

I don't understand what your experiences with the traumas in your life have to do with the kinds of misconstruing I am talking about. If you think that you can fly and jump off a building, you fall on your butt and maybe break some limbs. That's the kind of misconstruing I'm talking about. In the magical thinking world of you create your own reality through your thoughts, of course the "misconstruing" doesn't make any sense. But the sort of question you asked me is a perfect question to ask these people who believe that the thoughts of a 6 year old girl could somehow create an atrocious tragedy. I don't blame anyone for bringing such experiences upon themselves by way of creating their realities by their thoughts and beliefs. How could I? It's not only irrational to even hint at that kind of causality, it's inhumane.

Regarding the woman I spoke with, I did not intend to convey to her (or to you) that she could magically prevent things from happening to her by engaging in various rituals (projecting confidence non-verbally). I hope I conveyed that she could decrease the probably of the same things happening by projecting "You can't screw with me" vs. "I am a likely victim."

You can never be 100% sure that something will or will not happen to you.

I don't see anything pathetic and sad in a person realizing that she can actually *do something* about the fix that she's in. She was in a pretty screwed up relationship or two in which she was being treated like a door-mat. She changed her approach and got into much better relationships with much better people as a result of her own actions. What's pathetic about that?

Maybe you'd call that her "changing her vibration"? I like to describe it in more specific terms. She realized how her body language was telling people "I'm a door mat" and how to generate different body language by doing what it took to access her strength and be a stronger person. Even more specific than that, we talked about how her shoulders were hunched, how she had her head down, how her movements would start but then stop. Then we focused on times in her life where she felt strong and successful and noticed how she held her head up, held her shoulders back, etc. We also talked about various people who project strength and how they move their bodies.

And you know what? It worked for her. Last I met her she was married to a smart and successful guy from England who was a really nice guy. They were happy together, and there was not a trace of mousiness in her.

While I never had to witness my mother being murdered or experience rape, the tragedy I did witness was my brother being hit by a car and being severely brain-damaged as a result. He was in a coma for a long time, and he had two strokes while in a coma. When visiting him, I saw a reality of brain-damage that I'd never seen before. A full ward of people with brain-damage were being treated along with my brother. Some of the stories were harrowing. One guy turned a wrong corner and, bam, for no reason a bunch of thugs beat him near to death, leaving him with permanent brain-damage.

I heard many stories like that. To me the violence and the tragedies were meaningless, in a sense. They were totally unnecessary in many cases. That, I think, is one of the things that defines a real tragedy, the senselessness of it.

But we are human beings, and where there is no sense, we create it, because we must. It is a part of our spirits, if you will, as human beings. It's part of what makes us what we are. So, we go about building a meaning for these things.

In my view, these are all personal artifices. These are our own personal creations. We struggle and define meaning for ourselves. Pure materialists, staunch atheists do it as much as those who are totally religious. The particulars will differ, but it's all deeply meaningful to each individual.

I had to define my own meaning for what happened to my brother and my family as a result of the accident. It does not involve God. It does not involve fate. It involves decision, chance, and the strength of the human spirit. By human spirit I do not mean something metaphysical, rather I mean an inner strength, what makes us who we are as individuals, what keeps us going.

When I spoke about functional fantasies earlier, I made it a point to indicate building upward from that point. If someone is delusional, sometimes using the delusions to get them in touch with reality is the best approach.

If you want to believe you create your reality, then I guess I am just a part of that, right? You created me here. So, in essence you are having an argument with yourself. So, as long as I am providing some kind of metaphysical service for you at your current vibration level, let me just say this....

It doesn't bother me so much that people engage in magical thinking. We all do it. What bothers me is that people who do it, albeit for their own purposes that purportedly work for them, don't seem to even want to think that, hey, maybe this is just some kind of functional illusion?

I mean, the whole thing breaks down when you take a good look at the world. Not every kid gets a pony. Santa Claus doesn't exist despite the shedload of kids who are duped into believing in him. The guy who believed in God's protection so firmly that he got into a cage with a tiger and shouted, "This tiger will not harm me because God is protecting me!" got mauled to death by the tiger. He believed strongly enough to get into that cage, yet his belief didn't save him.

Rock breaks scissors. If you jump off a building believing you can fly, you're gonna fall, regardless. I mean, these things are just plain facts.

Not to demean the power of belief or anything, because great people who do great deeds have great beliefs. Their beliefs often can be said to be irrational when you look at the odds that were against them, but thank goodness they were irrational.

They created new realities through their beliefs, however, not because they created thought forms in the astral plane which created attractors to future timelines in which their dreams were already realities or anything like that. Their beliefs created the new realities because they enabled these people to act.

That's the difference that makes the difference, I think.

Sometimes we are at the whim of those stronger than us, but that doesn't mean that we are completely powerless. Natan Sharansky in Fear No Evil talks about his experiences in the gulag where he was brutalized in many, many different ways and wasn't sure if he'd ever get out. Part of his salvation came in the recognition that no one could shame him but himself. They could do whatever they wanted to him, but he held his belief that none of that was shameful on his behalf. Only he could shame himself. So he upheld himself in his own way.

He also found various ways in which he could turn the tables on his oppressors. I don't remember the details, but there was a certain word they used to describe a fate that prisoners all feared. He noticed they liked to use it and that he became fearful of it. So he decided to use that word whenever he could while in their presence. It was a subtle form of rebellion. He let them know that they couldn't bully him.

I looks like we disagree fundamentally on a lot of points, and it may not seem like it, but I do not what to turn you into a carbon copy of myself belief-wise... like I could ever do that. No one has that power. Maybe if my thoughts created reality, I could. But they don't, so I can't. Go ahead and believe whatever you want to believe, you will anyway. I don't entertain the illusion that anything I say will sway you one way or another.

You may not create your reality or have God-like control over it, but you do have a big hand in how you interpret events. That's personal. That's your own creation. You did it with me, by framing what my posts meant to you in your life. Was that my purpose? Maybe to you. I have my own purposes and intentions, and beyond that (and totally out of my control) what I say will mean something different to each person who reads what I write. That's because each individual is the artificer not of their realities but of what each event in their realities means to them personally.

In any case, thanks for the big smooch.

Last edited by babayada; 01/28/08 10:16 AM.