if you guys are getting into self hypnosis.. one of the best methods is the betty erickson method. you can do a search on google for it.

as for improving maths skills. that can be easily accomplished with hypnosis, but you might want to see a professional to get it done right.

we all know that the unconscious mind is capable of processing data much much faster than the conscious mind, right? well, if i gave you a sum.. say 1789997654 + 52662728 .. you would proceed to sit down and consciously work through it. this may take you a minute, but you could do it.

so... if you can do that on a conscious level, then your unconscious can also do it.. but 50,000 times faster.

so, spontaneous solving of complex maths problems is more than possible if the unconscious mind is the faculty that processes the sum.

problem is.. how do you get the unconscious answer into consciousness? this can be done in a number of ways. you could suggest to your unconscious, via hypnosis, that when the problem is solved unconsciously, the answer will flash into consciousness.

or you could always give a suggestion for a certain hypnotic hallucination. then you could hallucinate a calculator and just use that.

just rememeber, anything you can do consciously, your unconscious mind can do thousands of times quicker. once you can access your unconscious via hypnosis, you will be able to solve problems faster than you could ever dream. and the possibilities dont stop at maths problems

to be able to do this by yourself will require a bit of practising to find a deep enough level of trance, but once you can do it, you can do it.

seeing a hypnotherapist to help you achieve this is advised. it will cost you about $50 for a session, but it will make self hypnosis much easier. plus you'll have someone with whom you can discuss the complexities of what you want to achieve.

good luck.

and any questions. just ask