
Personal answer? Do I know what you mean? That depends, are we asking the same question? If not, then no; do tell. If yes, then my answer is. . .a career unlocking the mind’s potential. I really resonate with the phrase “mind over matter.” For example, I see physical death as the mere lack of understanding in how to perpetuate a complete and total regeneration of the human body. To me death is a lie that most everyone believes. After all of the advancements in science, this is just another mystery to be solved. Total consciousness is the goal. So with this, I am taking daily steps to bring my career to fruition, and I know the right opportunity will present itself soon. By the way, I have an ear to ear smile on my face right now. : -)

Scooter, it is wonderful to see that you are doing what brings you happiness.

Uniquesoul, have you been involved with an eco-village? Sounds pretty interesting.

Jeanne, hope all is well in the Outback.

All the Best,
