Hi Daken.

Yes I think you might be right, that problem is maybe the job's fault. Not givin me enoúgh innder sparkle to wanting it really bad...

A warning from you manager might help you to get moving, because what is the driving you to get up in the morning is probably your fear of getting fired hehe.... When I had other jobs before my university exam and this job, then it was more like store selling jobs. Like working in a store and sell stuff and big equipments, where many poeople came in.. And did you not show up on time, you were fired!! That really helped me get up in the morning. But the job was kinda fun too. Talking to a lot of people.. Some people are angry, other people fun etc.. I thought that that was fun to do also. So it was a mix of scarcity to get up in the morning and also that the job was a little fun. But the money was really the lowest. Like earning at that time around 35-38.000 US$ a year. So did not have money for anything. And anybody could do that job without much education and knowledge.

Have you tried to use the New Option Generator to see if you could find an option to something that could create your inner drive for a job? Will that work?

Best Regards