Last night I listened to Happy for No Reason before sleep. I hadn't listened in a month or so. Then I had a horribly scary nightmare, one that woke me up. Something that rarely happens.

I was in a shared apartment, sitting in kind of a common room watching a horor flick. for some reason, I thought it was "rosemarys baby". anyways, the scene panned into a manger (just like where baby jesus lay) and there was this little baby surrounded by all these wierd animals dancing around it and singing. And the baby was just pure evil. In my dream, everytime I looked out it I screamed in horror, and covered my eyes. Everytime I uncovered my eyes, the baby was sitting up, getting ready to do something, and I would scream and cover my eyes again. I mean this baby was just emitting pure evil. finally, one of my roomates in the dream came out and asked me why I was screaming. It was my friends husband, who happens to be buddhist in real life. He asked why I was screaming and I told him, and he said "Thats why its good to be a buddhist. we don't have the devil".
then he suggested that I worship the devil, because that would be a nice change. (???)

Then my other roomate came out (and this is where it got kind of funny) and asked why I was screaming, except this time my roomate was Tiger Woods.
I told him, he just laughed, said don't worry about it, and went back to sleep. I watched the tv once more, saw the evil baby, screamed in my dream and woke up, for real.

so now, I'm thinking maybe buddhism might be a good choice..
