Good evenings to all. My name is Alejandro and one month ago buy Photoreading's book. I have many doubts and me gustaria that were helping me, since in one month they begin the examinations and need to dominate Photoreading's.

1. I use glasses, suffer myopia. Does it suit for me to use the glasses while I am in photofoco?
2. Alone achievement to visualize the page blip when my eyes are in the top end of the book, and I do not visualize the letters, are very blurry. Can I in these condition photoread or need to visualize the page blip and in addition to see the letters with clarity?
3. Since I can manage keep the condition(state) of learning accelerated while do I photoread? And since(as,like) do I realize that I am in the above mentioned condition(state)?

Sorry my english, im only speak spanish, i traduce my post in a web page.