First, let me say that I totally get what you are saying. Wow, the market today is really CRAZY! We are struggling with that on retired income. And, let me say, there is nothing wrong with wanting (more). It is the normal thing. I want to move and I want a new home somewhere else. But, the whole idea is to be Happy regardless of that. Finding happiness without those things......

But, having said that, I have a constant struggle with that. How do we do that? How do we get into the very NOW of living and enjoy that moment.

I'm currently watching Oprah's videocast book study of Echart Tolle's new book. He wrote "the power of now" . Which addresses this very thing. I'm really getting a great deal out of it. Trying to understand that in the end, we cannot 'take it with us' and so get to enjoying the very moment of life.

Anyone watching this?