Hey Guys.

When I photoflip, I can maintain the blip page from the beginning of the book till the end of the book without any pain. And with my dictionary, I can complete the whole book in about 8-10 seconds. It's very efficient for me because I can photoflip the book several or to hundred times back and forth with the blip page and/or photofocus mode on the whole time. But I also photoread the normal way because it's just common sense.

What do you guys think about photoflipping?

on the side note.. I rarely miss any pages and i see the 4 sides + blip page when I photoflip. The difference is, im doing it in a very fast motion. And this method might seem abnormal or even ridiculous to some people because it's not the concept rules of photoreading.

I've been photoreading not long ago and the sad thing is, I never activated any of my books. So i photoread normally without any activation. So basically, I haven't yet experienced manual activation. Is this a bad sign?

Last edited by markzor; 03/29/08 06:24 PM.