Hey everyone,
I just want to thank everyone on this forum, moderators included, that helped me through my struggles with Spring Forest Qigong. I now feel very confident, and when going through the exercises today, something amazing happened.

I feel that this was my first real experience, because I actually felt energy moving around. When Chunyi said to feel the resistance when doing Breathing of the Universe, I always just imagined it. Today, when doing it, I felt it. I felt something pushing my hands back, something that was almost solid, hard to describe but it felt really cool.

And I felt energized, physically and mentally. I no longer shake, and my muscles don't hurt as much after. They actually feel much better.

I feel like I'm getting a cold, or maybe it's allergies. My nose was stuffed, but after doing the exercises, I could breathe so softly and clearly, it was amazing. All this in less than 20 minutes of doing the active exercises.

Thanks for all the help!
