when I photoread, I see the blip page as if I'm on hard focus. And I haven't seen actual results from pulling the information out so easily. Basically, it doesn't matter if you can see the blip page or not.. what matters if you're on photo focus and you have the determination to activate the book. Blip page doesn't matter.

I've been photoreading since February 2008. And all the months, I've been on photo focus for the books and providing a purpose for each book i photoread. the only time I don't provide a purpose is when i photoflip a book. I see the blip page too easily that I can see the blip page when even photo flipping the book.

Now all the months i have photoread, I didn't even activate the book once.. did spontaneous activation occur? No...

So.. don't worry about the blip page. I can see the blip page so easily with clarity. Still I'm not even good at photoreading and I'm not comprehending any of the books because I've never activated a book before..

MY advise. Don't worry about the blip page

Last edited by markzor; 04/29/08 11:00 AM.