Hi Vandons

I was on holiday this last week and had time to explore an issue in some depth. For a long time it felt as though I had an energy blockage between my stomach and my lower chest.

Anyway, I explored the issue with several mindmaps and found a few clues showing integration was needed between two paradoxical qualities in my being. I then used part of the New Option Generator outlined in the Natural Brilliance book and on the Respond Paraliminal, Integrate the Benefits tape. The next day in the afternoon, wow!!! what a breakthrough!!!, no feeling of blockage in my chest and stomach, and it felt as though I had taken Viagra, only better.

The strategy I used above was instead of integrating present with future, I integrated two needlessly opposing forces in my life, namely woman in my left hand and man in my right hand, as well as female child with female adult, and male child with male adult.

The reason I did this was because I could not understand why I was so infatuated with young girls as a teenager and not so interested in more mature young ladies when I got older, I had seperated girl from woman and boy from man.

The real me was validated and approved of when I did the New Option Generator, integrate the benefits. To get really fancy I could say that my base level chakras probably then connected to my heart chakra, and thus the feeling of Viagra!

My advice to you would be to follow the program, photoread the course manual, and Natural Brilliance book. Then learn your own spin on the New Option Generator. On holiday I did not have the tapes with me, I used what I learnt off the tapes before, and followed a very similar process by my own direction.

Good Luck and Enjoy it!