This just happened during one practice session. For so long I have been confounded by the visualization and the goal setting process. I have been repeatedly stimied by efforts to stay focused on one clear specific goal. Similar, it seems, to those conditions you suggest. I end up confused and unsure, often left second guessing my choices, priorities, wants, desires, and so on.
Then, recently, while practicing AFL I just sort of happened to combine the Feelings Exercise with The Miracle Question, then instantly chose a goal from my Seven Steps list and engaged in, a much improved and satisfying goal visualization session.
What I mean is, although I, too, gratefully welcome vibrant health, wealth, and success more completely supported by financial abundance, I used the Feeling Exercise to help me, for a moment, to just let go of all that. And, in that moment of undefined energetic attention - I asked myself The Miracle Question and heard a new answer. The answer that came to mind as the first thing I would notice, letting me know that the miracle had happened was a 'sense of relief'. After that, I seemed to be swept into an unending flow of noticing things and conditions exposing the miracle. The internal experience was supercharged and I only just barely stayed my mind. Already in a relaxed- aware state garnered through all of this ,I was then able to generate the successful goal visualization practice session.

Perhaps holding a notion(ie. abstract idea)such as relief as the pillar to which a goal aspires,it generates conditions by its very nature, adding the insight of a recognizable, highly desirable form. One the processing brain may already have an organic or deeply habitualized inclination toward. Thereby allowing a more whole brain involvemt in prioritzing and organizing. Invigorating the other than conscious processes necessary for the effective evolution of a given goal.
In any case, I do look forward to applying these ideas to the Labyrinth session.
Is this of help or totally intangible? Anyone?