This is the second lesson from the first chapter if anyone wishes to participate. While sharing details might be of a highly personal nature, perhaps you would like to share in more general terms your experiences with this exercise.

1. Sit quietly by yourself. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

2. Recall a specific situation that has caused you to feel wronged or to blame others. Picture the person or people involved, the setting, and what was said or done.

3. Imagine taking several steps back and observing the situation from a distance, as though you were watching a movie on a screen.

4. What part of what happened can you take responsibility for? Did you ignore signs that should have clued you in that there was a problem? Did you act in a way that might have provoked the situation? Did your thoughts or actions escalate the situation?

5. What's your lesson to learn from what happened? Do you need more patience or better boundaries? Do you need to listen more or say less?

6. Ask yourself: If this were happening for a higher purpose, what would it be? Can you find the gift?

7. Write down the most important thing you can do differently as a result of finding the lesson or the gift.