Alas the frustration people experience with PhotoReading is impatience. They want to know it all in one activation and when I suggest as a beginner they apply 4 to 6 activation to get the conscious comprehension they desire (about 2 hours with a book) That's not good enough so they go back to their old reading habit and spend 9 to 12 hours with a book and hope to know everything. \:\)

You don't have to really go with your gut, since you consciously know that what you want isn't in the book.

What a shame. There is information available to us almost instantaneously and it's not good enough. How much more effective as human beings we could be if we had that trust and listened more to the information that is available to us from our own body and mind?

You can satisfy the conscious comprehension to know whether the book suits your purpose with a 3 to 12 minute postview.

For me PhotoReading wins hands down because there is no way I could speed read 40 books in an hour and enjoy spontaneous activation it 4 or more of them. There is no way with speed reading I could PhotoRead 100 or more books in a bookshop and then select 10 books that are informative and useful to me and for others. It also gave me the opportunity to spend 30 minutes with a book that I would never have skimmed based on it's title. Since I was PhotoReading every book on a shelf I included that book even though the cover and information on the cover left me with a no. When I came to selecting the books that one demanded a postview which I gave 20 minutes to.

I'd have never developed certain skills if I had activated material by speed reading. Instead I had the benefit of Direct Learning through PhotoReading. That for me was the second biggest evidence that something happens when I PhotoRead. It proved to me we don't always need conscious comprehension.

For personal reasons I don't say much about how PhotoReading changed my life but change it did. In ways that leave me awestruck. I am teaching PhotoReading because I know how much it can change the lives of people who use the system. I am not a PhotoReading instructor for the money. That isn't where the money is. So when people get frustrated I dig up some more patience because I know once they get it they have found a tool that can change their life.
