Jack you're not reading at 2000 to 4000 wpm you're skimming. That's not even reading. The maximum possible reading speed given the capability of the conscious mind is 560 wpm. No one teaching reading is allowed to claim they can teach you to read more than 800 wpm The danger there is missing the cues that the author has changed direction.

Preview / postview helps you determine if the book meets your purpose.

The biggest advantage of PhotoReading is you start at a sonic speed and slow down. It carries with it natural repeated exposure to the text.

It also goes into the long term memory first. Something processing with the conscious mind prevents. In fact last week I encountered a research paper that points to information being put into middle term memory. This appears to be where all conscious reading winds up.

While you get what you get from skimming I get a through insight into the text because I go over it more often than once through that speed readers do.

I have used the PhotoReading system on books and can still talk about the content 5 years later. And I had read many books the old fashioned way and a week later was couldn't tell you much about the book.

And direct learning ;\) spontaneous activation. A brilliant way to learn without conscious comprehension of the book. Because activation hinders it. It's an interesting experience One that impressed me. To learn a new skill without conscious effort and just be doing it as a result of PhotoReading a stack of books that even today I haven't activated.
