It's hard for me to say what is worth while for you.

It'd be enough if you tell me whether or not it would be worthwhile for you.

On this site I have read that the Hale's tape is half an hour of the questions sequence "could you?, would you?, when?" and Bill's tape is equivalent to the "Dive" soundtrack featured in the Awakening Prologue. The Sedona tape is of little value to me although it is still of value. The Holosync tape is plainly worthless, it'd have no effect on me. If the SFQ meditation is truly different, then this is my assessment:
1) Paul Scheele
with Euphoria Paraliminal Learning
2) Hale Dwoskin
with the Sedona Method for Euphoria
Little value
3) D. Trinidad Hunt
with adventures in living from your center
4) Chunyi Lin
with the Qigong way of life
More or less valuable, I've had to overcome those feelings of guilt in order to benefit from this meditation and from the SFQ course
5) Bill Harris
with Holosync session for euphoria
6) Rex Steven Sikes
and Carolyn Sikes' Attitude Activator

Three valuable soundtracks, one with little value, one with uncertain value, and one worthless. The Euphoria Course price tag is $129.95. The price is respectable. With the devaluation factors that are present in my case, I'd choose to not buy it, but I'm unsure. I just don't know how valuable could be the "valuable" ones.

So if you can shed some light on how valuable were the tapes for you, I will be grateful. Thanks.

Would you take a suggestion? Before taking the Sedona Method, I found Holosync very hard to follow. I got very anxious and it was very unconfortable. Now, I use the Sedona Method to release anything that surface while doing Holosync and the combination of both is just great. You could try learning the Sedona Method through Hale's tape before the Holosync tape. It takes sometime to learn to release easily, practice makes perfection and you'll find that releasing will get easier and easier; the more you release, the easier you will do it. So if you do Holosync after learning to release easily, then you could find Holosync much more enjoyable. I cannot guarantee so to you because all of us are different, and what works for me might not work for you. But I find Holosync very enjoyable by combining it with the Sedona Method. Maybe you could use this suggestion.

[This message has been edited by Betsemes (edited November 20, 2003).]