Yeah, the rules for the search function are (at least to me) somewhat counter intuitive and it has taken me quite some time to finally (sort of) "get it".

For some reason, the word "sex" may be too short or something, because I too found it difficult to come up with anything using the rules as they usally work for me. SO first of all, just use the word "sexual" instead. You can also enter in (without the quotation marks, unless you want the exact phrase) "+sex +qigong".

But I would just use "sexual" instead (btw, I tried all of what I am telling you and it does indeed yield many results).

That's all step one.

Step 2:

Enter in the BIGGER number in the "newer than" and then the "SMALLER" number in the ""older than" boxes. And you can only do a 3 year span at the biggest. So to go back the longest time, start with "7 years" in the "newer than" and "4 years" in the "older than" and then work your way to our time (do 8 and 6 next and then 7 and 4 and then 6 and 3 etc). Just put "sexual" in the search term, check "subject and message". And choose SFQ as the forum to search.

You will find many discussions and interesting reading. Here are just 3 interesting examples:

Hope that helps.

 Originally Posted By: Curto
Hey, I'm very interested in finding this information in the forums, but I can't seem to be able to get the search to work. I've tried multiple times with multiple different settings searching for keyword "sex" in the SFQ forums and I keep getting a "UBB Error" which says: "There are no results for your query. Please try a broader range of search criteria."

Has anyone had any luck with this recently?

much love,

