
That has been a problem for me also, in general, and with the Accelerator. ADD creates a challenge for me in follow-thru.

I set my goal aside for a while, discovered interconnected issues with the original goal and also realized that I was doing a lot of "interpretation" in my reading of the instructions on the daily Paraliminals. I went back and read through the Accelerator more carefully, including the pamphlets that come with the Paraliminals.

So I fine-tuned my goal with more clarity and more tangible, sensory target results. I also made sure that I had a time and place committed on a daily basis to do the Accelerator, so that its a regular thing each day, like taking a vitamin or drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, whatever you do normally that plugs you into your day, the Accelerator is the same.

Alex's advice is good, as always.

I think it is true that however you go about transformation, your efforts do incubate. Its just a matter of how long it takes to get results and what, specifically, you really want those results to be.

Your comment about belief is very apt. I have been noticing that when a "separate" issue strikes me while using a Paraliminal, it is almost always actually a connected issue and there will be a Paraliminal for that also.

Growth is a fascinating journey and full of adventure. Have fun.