I've been photoreading for just over a year now and I'm very enthusiastic to my approach to this system. Here are some things i've tried.

1) prepare <- I get in an altered state. I took 5 minutes before and I found that I could get equal results just taking under 1 minute. When my breathing changes and/or I notice images in my mind's eye, it is a good indicator that i'm in an altered state. Then I imagine an orange on the top back part of my head.

2) preview <- I preview while in state the table of contents, the cover and the summaries. Write down any keywords every 10 pages. Then I photoflip because it only takes 20 seconds.

3) photoread <- While i'm still in state I get into photofocus and visualize an x and notice the spaces. Then I start photoreading.

[20 minutes or a day incubation]

4) super read -> I super read and dip or skitter.

5) rapid read -> the only benefits i've known is that i can see where the book is going by photoreading it first. I kinda have an idea of what info i can skip.

5 alternative -> I also did mind maps, talked about a topic i was photoreading, went to classes, direct learning, and watched a tv show on a book i photoread.

Other than those activation techniques i've tried some experiments with photoreading. I went to the university libraries and to almost every library in my city with a belief that the more text I expose my mind to the better it becomes at picking up information, and I photoflipped 10,000 books (throughout the past over 1 year). I photoflipped every book on psychology i could find in the psychology section of the library. I photoflipped books on different areas that i had no idea about or even ever thought of reading. I've been photoreading the same dictionary several times. I photoflip the same dictionary several times a day. Same with all my school text books. So far I haven't noticed any results that many people on this site claim to have. I'm a self-improvement junky, i've been listening to tapes non-stop for a year. Every chance i get on my free time I do photoreading or self-improvement. I do take some breaks and go places for fun to relax and see if any of the info pops in my head or gels. I would like to have this GEL experience.

Last edited by ZMasterNCreator; 06/13/08 01:24 AM.