Aww, yes the purpose is important. When I create a purpose for the books I photoread or photoflip, I think what i'm going to DO with the information.

For example: If I wanted to read a book on comedy my purpose would be, that I want to learn comedy writing techniques in the book so that I can crack jokes like a comedian. (since the author says you'll talk like a comedian after reading the book)

I'll try that 5 day challenge.

Day 1
prepare step to photoreading step ---> super read and dip ----> create a mind map ---> photoflip ---> incubate

Day 2
prepare step to photoreading step ---> super read and dip ----> photoflip ---> incubate

Day 3
prepare step to photoreading step ---> super read and dip ----> photoflip ---> incubate

Day 4
prepare step to photoreading step ---> super read and dip ----> photoflip ---> incubate

Day 5
prepare step to photoreading step ---> super read and dip ----> 20 minute incubation ----> create a mind map of the new info i got from all the new passes ----> rapid read ---> incubate

The mind map in the beginning kinda helps with how the books is structured and what i should sort for in the book.

After each pass you are going to pick up different things that are in the book because your experience chages from pass to pass. I have to make sure i am focusing on different points from each pass because learning comes best in layers.

then I will rapid read whatever parts of the book really stood out for me.

Last edited by ZMasterNCreator; 06/13/08 03:51 PM.