What do you mean by 'photoflipping'?

How about if you try to 'channel' by writing out stories in the dark?

Also, look at logic a bit, what I mean here is that I imagine much of what you photoread disagrees with itself, one writer's take on psychology for instance at odds with another author.

Take some key words that are representative of basic ideas, such as 'wisdom', 'balance', 'harmony' and write down what comes up. Then review your notes a day later, mull over them and add to it again and again until a few of these subjects mature with you consciously.

It is like you pointedly let your supra-mind know that hey, I 'stuffed' ten thousand books into you and now I want it to make sense and come to me clear and clean, usable.

One big-little rule I used for this is that I promised to write everything down, keep it, review it and not judge it.

Oh and stop photoreading for a long spell and work only on inspiration of goodly output.