I have that strange feeling to when I started I was taken in more infomation from all around not just books. For example I passed by some products we sell at my store just putting something up,then a customer asked the cashier a price of a product in that area I was just in,I just blurted out the price off the top of my head. Then I went back to check the price to make sure it was right and I was rght on the money. Earlier you said you told your parents I know you might not care but if they had smart remarks or doubt about,it very well,very very well could affect your results in you not relize it.

I am telling you this from my experiences, because I had a business once in I was doing great I mean business was coming in too. I made the mistake by telling my mom, she gave me a off the wall comment that pissed me off,because they believe in the wait to you are older, established, and work for someone the rest of your life crap, because they could not succeed in business I guess. Anyway even though I rejected the comment it made me so mad and kept replaying in my head and business went downhill from that point. My biggest mistake I ever made was sharing my goals,dreams and skills with people.I started getting breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough I soon as I cut certain negative people out my life and personal business. Now I do not know your situation , but my parents feedback did me more damage than anybody.I guess because I suspected support. My parents and everyone esle I told use to laugh and make fun of me when I started subliminals,paraliminals,postive thinking,hypnosis ect, I did not know it at first because for the longest they were doing it behind my back. As soon as I found out they were thats when I cut everyone off. Now "1 1/2 years" later I am the one laughing at them, get this the same people who laughed at me are trying to find out what I am doing now,but I just give them the cold shoulder. Good supportive people are coming in my now. I am willing to bet you absorded infomation from books and just don't relize it.Go back and superread, dip and skitter the photoreading book with your purpose to find out what keys are you missing.