'There are no rules more binding than those of our own making'.

Sounds to me, you are exploring to be more by knowing/unfolding Self.

I remember back 25 years ago when I acquired my first, auto-repeat cassete player. My, I was excited, because I could now play my favorite meditation tape that was only 20 minutes long all night over and over again.

To celebrate, I first sleep 12 hours straight, then got up and drank near a whole pot of coffee, piddled and then layed down and set the auto-cassete a going... My goal? Stay conscious and meditate deeper and deeper and deeper, until I could break through some inner barrier of awareness that I just knew was waiting for me.

It took a few months of this and then the inner door was barred open from then on out.

Who knows what you are looking for and need to do, follow your heart and generally keep they lips sealed.

Some things do take even years to well mature. Be sure to know however whatever demand you make of thy-Self it will come forth eventually, even if first you need rebuild some things within.