I don't try to see the blip on the page, it just shows when it shows. They say that it is not neccessary to see the blip page when you are photoreading or photoflipping books. Sometimes I see more than a blip page. I see a very subtle duplicate of all the words on the page, sometimes I see blips and sometimes nothing. What does this subtle duplicate mean? If this means something then I wonder why I haven't been getting any significant results yet.......

I've read the photoreading book, watched the DVDs and listened to the photoreading personal learning course. What I am doing right now is redoing the learning course. I've heard some success stories about doing this. I HAVE ENOUGH!!! I'M A PHOTOREADER, I JUST GOTTA FIND THAT SMALL THING THAT MAKES THIS SYSTEM CLICK. The thing that irritates me is the amount of time I have to spend redoing it over again instead of having fun.