Hi ycloh,

It is great that you are seeing some improvement, and there is a way that you can see even more.

One of the main problems with "self-talk" as S.H. formulates it, is that he puts the affirmations in the present. Unfortunately, this makes it sound, to the unconscious mind, as if you already have the result you are going for. The unconscious mind then simply rejects the affirmation as being untrue.

A much better way to use affirmations is to put them into the future:

"I am becoming better and better, every day, in every way."

An even more powerful technique is to ask your unconscious mind open-ended questions. The unconscious is a "goal seeking" mechanism -- meaning if you ask it a question, it will continue to search for the answer long after you've forgotten you asked.

"I wonder how quickly my unconscious mind can help me achieve the self-confidence to do X?"

Also, the old Huna religion says, "Energy flows where attention goes." This means that noticing what you are already doing right has a tendency to "attract" more of the same into your life:

"I notice I am more confident today than I was yesterday and I wonder how much more confident I will be tomorrow?"

The most important thing, IMHO, is that you are trying. If you continue to try to improve yourself, you will improve yourself.
