Originally Posted By: Saadet
Now, if somen ask you a specific question from the book you PR, would you know the answer such as figures and dates.

I will answer that. First it is mostly a 'trap' to worry over such, if you need the answer for an important test, or for some relaxed casual conversation an answer will always be there. Both for the test and or a question.

No matter, the trap part is making it right or wrong to miss the mark. That is backend thinking less and less...

Instead, have a sublime confidence you will always know what you need to know or do. Just make sure to keep notes and be very respectful of that knowing and find some way to honor it. As life is not so straight-forward.

Often, to get to point 'A' you need attend to some other loose end undone or needing done and when you want something really bad and set it motion, various 'detours' could be required in order to either get things more properly set up or get ones own personality fully on board and ready for the new desired dance.