Today, while nibbling on some mixed nuts, all the nuts turned a light green color, which made me do a double take and rub my eyes and when I looked again, they were still green. I moved the clear glass bowl they were in to look underneath it, and they were still green. When I looked at the nuts again, they had resumed their normal colors, i.e., cashews, pistachios, almonds and macadamias. Whoa! Any ideas? Now I know pistachios can have a green tinge to them sometimes, but the greenest nuts, which are light brown and dark brown normally. were the almonds and the cashews. I hadn't done any qi-gong exercises today yet, so it wasn't like I was moving energy at the time. Ever hear this one before? I will be starting Level II next week and if this is what can happen with Level I, I can't wait to start Level II.