
I've been using the Paraliminals and the Accelerator (which uses the Paraliminals for specific goals) for about a year.

There have been numerous positive outcomes. Most of the work I am doing (with Paraliminals) is transformational; i.e., a major life overhaul. So some of the results are still on the way and some are private. But I can post a few specifics.

Relationships and communication skills improved markedly.
Significant improvement in self-esteem.
Anxiety reduced.
Sleep improved.
Weekly and daily target goals and intentions manifested.
Increased ability to stay happy when under stress.

Additionally, there are times when things "just happen" that bring me closer to my goals. Also, I frequently experience consciousness shifts such as brighter colors, sweeter sounds, kinder people, higher energy, more creativity, and sudden insights.

I'd like to be more specific, but as I said, some of what I am doing is massive and very personal. Also, I am primarily working on changing my behaviors and perceptions, so it may sound rather general.

Good luck on your journeys.