This is interesting. The Diamond Feng Shui Home Study would help you. The Diaster Star is revealed in that course. The thing is this has happened to you, accept's important that you do that, then let it go -- in the past now. Focus on recovery. Has something changed recently? A new home? Where you sleep (even what direction your bed is in)? Have you made any major changes in you home or life?

The Home Study Course reveals the cures for this. There are many things to look into, that are beyond the Diamond Essentials.

The Disaster Star affects people differently...where your front door is, where you sleep, where you work. For example: your kitchen and bathrooms may be in the area of the Diaster Star and that energy will be flushed away otherwise a cure needs to be placed. There are yearly and monthly things to be watched.
Consider the rest of the Diamond Feng Shui Home Study Course.

Marie also wrote a book "The Very Simple Law of Attraction" $14.95 This is a GREAT reference book, I use it OFTEN with my DFS Home Study Course. You could probably find something there to help you. Definitely consider the DFS Home Study Course.

There is sooo much to learn! I am not here to sell the course, I just know the content is extremely valuable.

I am interested in seeing how this progresses for you. I will watch this thread.