Aloha Coral,

There are a lot of"could be's."

If you have the Gold version of the course, call into LSC and ask to set up one of your 20-minute coaching vouchers. You'll email or fax your floor plan in along with your question, and the consultant can take a look at whats going on. They won't feng shui your entire house for you, but can look at things such as the Time Feng Shui (Stars), etc. that you may not have access to, to help adjust your situation.

In Time Feng Shui, that energy shifts each year around February (beginning of the Chinese Calendar), this can shift challenges and opportunities throughout the house.

There are national economic trends and other things that have an influence as well. Feng Shui is setting up your environment to attract the best possible energy/luck/opportunity for you.

Much Love, Shawn