3 is the most a working person or student would realistically have the time for. More than that they aren't taking action out in the world to see any results.

The Paraliminal Accelerator takes you through on Paraliminal (session) a day. It's a different one each day. For the most part you won't need to listen to a Paraliminal longer than a week. Ideal Weight a week then once weekly and Smoke Free daily for a month.

The others less can be more. Up to once a day for 3 days is the most I would use the majority of the Paraliminals. After 3 days give it a rest and observe the shifts that are happening in your life. Sometimes you think nothing notice much has happened. Change has to happen gradually. We often need to develop the skill of handling the new options. If they come overnight how do we handle it. Our way of handling it in the past is what we usually are changing.
