Healing for me, this has been at different levels.

I started qigong to be proactive about my health. I felt that if I could prevent something before it happened it would create a better quality of life.

I do not have any serious health issues. But I did have respiratory allergies for as long as I can remember. In fact I could only breath through one nostril for a long time. During the spring and summer months it was really bad, I would have to take those over the counter medications quite a bit and the side effects were sometimes worse than the allergies.

But now I do not have ANY allergy issues. NONE. Both nostrils work now. \:\)

I also used to have migraines quite often. Since I was a teenager. They were debilitating and sometimes I wish I could take off my head. I don't have that problem any more either.

But I think the greatest change that occurred from SFQ was the peace of mind that began to flow. Once the monkey mind calmed down I could see life differently. Less stress and anxiety. More calm and stillness. Which is what I want most in my life. Also the desire to help others receive the blessing from SFQ.

There is a lot more that I could tell. I think the wisdom I have gained is the greatest gift.


Without desire there is tranquility. And in this way all things would be at peace. -Lao Tzu