You are quite welcome, my pleasure! And the "adopted child" idea I got from a recent audio download from, produced by Sounds True. It is entitled HEALING YOURSELF WITH MEDICAL HYPNOSIS and it by Dr. Andrew Weil, MD and his long time friend and colleague, Dr. Steven Gurgevich (though not an MD, he is a doctor of psychology and a specialist in medical hypnosis). They talk about a patient who needed a cornea transplant. But the person's immune system was rejecting the transplant. Through medical hypnosis, they were able to selectively "override" the immune system function of rejecting am alien substance. The image and language used was this idea of a new adopted child in the family. I was very moved by this (just heard it a couple of days ago!) and felt it would apply to your question. This is how the universe works, when we let it!

 Originally Posted By: Corky
Blessings to you, too, Shakurav; and thank you for your very kind words. I really like your idea of thinking of the implants as the "new adopted child" in my body and am embracing that concept by welcoming them with loving acceptance, rather than fear (what a great revelation that was for me!). Thanks for helping me to shift my perspective on this! I do hope this will help others who might be worrying about this same topic, but may have been too afraid to ask or had just never seen it addressed anywhere before. And, yes, this is a terrific forum!

With much gratitude,

