Feng shui really is an ongoing thing. one time consultations isn't going to work that well as the energy shifts daily, monthly and yearly as well as 20 yr.

I find that the diamond feng shui course is great for lay people as it don't explain the reasoning behind feng shui. everything is laid out for you. I still find that the best feng shui is doing your own feng shui as you can personalize it. I guess i'm the type that can't take someone's world for it. i have to understand the system rather than just blind faith. So i went and study the flying star myself after going through marie daimond's course to understand further and now I understand why the suggestions from the diamond feng shui course is what they are. Diamond's course is unique in it's level 2 because of the 24 facets. i find this part unique from other feng shui because marie can see energy colors. atleast i'll give her benefit of the doubt for that claim that was advertised.

not all feng shui masters is a good fit for everyone. there has to be a fit. that's the problem with someone doing feng shui for you. I've learned that feng shui by itself is not all that great. it has to be personalized for one's intention and goals working with the person.