To SillyPup I think after some time I had just forgotten about what Marie had done, and, I think I needed to take a break from feng shui, in the back of mind been scared things could go from bad to worse if I took out the rods etc. Like Shaun said they were dowsing cures.

To Gabriela I appreciate your letter, but not sure why you say " a conflict of strong wills, beliefs and intentions" played a part if you nothing about the details of the situation.

I was still a big fan and believer after all the difficulties. Sometimes when you have so much going on it can be difficult to follow through with every client and I understand. I don't know why it was so difficult or why their was so much confusion. But I am not a demanding customer, yet I'm not a pushover either. I like her, I felt comfortable with her in my home. She apologized profusely, and we moved on. When I started to hear other people had the same situations, the way things were done, etc. I was a little disappointed, but never thought that would effect the art or talent of her work. She made predictions for me that never remotely came true. Unfortunately it just did not work. Period.

I believe in the Law of Attraction, I practice it with my church, my group meetings, my studies and all that I do. As I'm looking around in life, I am finding many people who have a great life with or without feng shui. That subtle intention in our hearts can be the strongest magnet in the Universe. It is that infinite power of the Universe that created feng shui.

If what you are suggesting that our relationship to each other could undo and actually reverse the entire process of her expertise, then it would be just as true that I should have flown her out for coffee to create amazing results and not even discussed my home. I just don't know what else to say. But it wasn't my fault that it did not work.

I was trying to give Coral a boost of confidence to not be afraid to undo what she did, just in case that had something to do with it, because I waited so long. I didn't want her to wait any longer if she didn't have to. Maybe she can go back to it piece by piece and it will work, but at the time, she was having difficulties. I don't even think she's reading these anymore. All you can think is that the feng shui is the best so it must be right, what am I doing wrong? That's just not true.