Excellent post Goddess! I'm not surprised that you had received the advice that you did from your toll call. Learning Strategies used to have (maybe she still works there for all I know) an employee who played her paraliminal non-stop in the background on her Walkman while working. This was mentioned in great detail in a thread on this forum. The thread is a really old one but this was covered in great detail. Some others in that thread spliced the dual induction parts of the tape onto one recording and played them non-stop---again with good results.
I won't go so far as to say that the recordings need to be played non-stop in order to work. In fact, the whole business with the 20 minute rest/pause is to provide an incubation period for the subconscious to organize the information it's received (from the recording). Paul Scheele designed the recordings to be used in a certain way. I merely point out what others have done in experimenting with them AND the fact that good (great in some cases) results were achieved with NON-standard methods. Talking to the counsellors at the toll-free number, I have found that they, themselves, are not tied to just one way of doing things.
As to having a hard time sleeping after so many playings, this is merely a matter of over-stimulation. I agree with Alex on not using the sleep portion for more than 1 hour at night. Your mind has other things it needs to do (aside from taking suggestions) to prepare you for the next day. That's what Alex (a lady by the way) believes and I agree with her.
Also, regarding Alex. I think that she has done a fantastic job on this forum. I have always had the utmost repect for her and what she posts. I mention that so that there is no misunderstanding about my disagreement with her post. I have never seen anything, anywhere to suggest that the subconscious mind is going to reach a negative conclusion, let alone act on it, about repeated listenings.
I would suggest for those who really interested in such things to go to the very beginning of the forum and start reading the threads that pertain to this topic. You'll find ALOT of interesting information! --- Mike