Since I started to feel more magnetic in september women notices me more and more. I am not at the level where they stop me in the street asking for my phone number yet ;-)
And I can't expect to achieve that with the IPM tape.
I've bought Kevin Hogan's Charisma tape set and it contains good advice you need on achieving charisma which you do not get with the metaphysical hypnosis tapes. I think his info and the hypnosis tapes complement each other covering almost different part of the objective. But his tapes only touches on the subject on contact with the opposite sex.
4-5 years ago I was as slim as I am now and I did not receive the attention from women I am getting now. The tapes seems to do something about your confidence, self-esteem and "aura". The IMP tape makes you project confidence like you feels it was given to you by God. And THIS women notice even a few meters away.
I do not say look doesn't mean anything, but I am by no means a photo model.
Usually I listen to the tape once a day just before bed time. Once in a while I listen to it before my afternoon rest as well.
I've ordered Wendi Friesen's Hypnotism for Magnetism tape which seems to fit my goals well in regards to attracting women magnetically.