You are right about Eckhart Tolle.
I personally am a huge fan of Maxwell Maltz. Psycho Cerb (new).
Another recommendation is Dr. Nathaniel Branden's Art of Living Consciously or any of his books really.

If you THINK you are depressed then find answers from Dr. Branden's work - I credit his work (and Brain Sync's Universal Mind Meditation I) in turning my life around at rocket speed (no kidding!).

Another 100% guaranteed results will come from fitness and health. Eat well, workout at least 60 minutes EVERY DAY - doesn't have to be intense, even a walk in a shopping centre will do you good and make sure you get enough sleep. I don't believe in taking medication for my down moods so I used to workout quite a bit - and they kept me SANE for the most part. Of course, everyone is different so try to incorporate exercise as well as medication if you must.

Last edited by decision2change; 08/22/08 05:57 PM.