Hi I’ve just finished the course and I am very impressed with it.

Just recently during a quite period at work I was practicing my Anchorman List on a piece of paper. I would make up a sentence in my mind and then convert the letters to numbers. A colleague noticed the seemingly random list of numbers and asked what I was doing. I quickly said that I could remember the list of numbers in the order it was written. He laughed and took the piece of paper and said go on then tell me. I quickly wiped the smile of his face when I correctly told him the numbers as written on the paper.

These are the number that I had impressed my colleague with: -


It’s simple to remember when you break it down to: -


9 81225 1 6114201192093 13513151825

This is a great way of remembering your Anchorman List and having some fun.

You can even make longer sentences to recall the numbers; I have used sentences that give 100+ numbers.

A more advanced technique that I use is to add one number to the original number for example

MEMORY would be 13513151825

Advanced technique would be 14614161926

There is less chance of somebody finding out how you remembered the numbers by using the advanced technique.

There are limitless ways of modifying this technique you could use 0 for a certain letter to make it look even more random.

I hope I’ve made sense here and 20811411 251521 61518 12919203149147
