Hi Everyone!

We’re pleased to announce that AlexK (Alex K. Viefhaus) is now officially part of the Learning Strategies family.

Not only is she the moderator of many of our Discussion Forums, but she helps us handle the never ending flood of email that comes in every day. (And, yes, she is a she!)

When she first tried PhotoReading in 2002 she was just as skeptical as so many of our customers. But as she applied the system, she experienced its magic.

Alex has since purchased and devoured most of our programs--you can tell by her posts that she uses and applies what we teach.

She visited us here in Minnesota last spring to take the PhotoReading instructor training course (she even came out to see my earth sheltered home and help with boiling down hundreds of gallons of maple sap into maple syrup).

She returned last summer for the Retreat that helped birth our new Abundance for Life course. And, she was here for our first PhotoReading Retreat in February. The week after the Retreat she taught her PhotoReading certification course, and she is now a PhotoReading instructor.

Alex will continue to work out of Australia, but with the Internet it is as if she is in the office next to mine.

Sandy Millies and Dana Hanson are still with us kicking away. Sandy is in her fourth year here and Dana his eleventh.

Be well,
