People with true eidetic (photographic memories) are using a skill that many leave behind in childhood once they learn to speak. Very few retain this skill and the interesting thing about those that do is that they cannot understand or explain anything about the memory and as such needed to store the image as a whole.

They may be able to read a page of a book from their memory but the passages have no meaning for them.

The reason we don't seem to have a photographic memory (I say *seem* because we actually do) is because we have pulled apart the memory and linked it with other experiences and knowledge so that we can call on the separated information faster. In other words the mind has taken the whole memory and sorted it into relevant parts. This seems to be because the non conscious mind find greatest speeds in recognising patterns.

While to many the idea of a photographic memory might be cool and making life so much easier. It appears that a photographic memory is more of a hinderance than a good 'working' memory when it comes to day to day living.

Ih you were to rely on a photographic memory during a test for example you would be reading the information during the test, trying to understand it then or risk being accused of cheating because you managed to copy word for word what someone else wrote. The working memory saves you time by getting to what you need to know about something rather than having to analyise your memory of it later.
