I thought I would share some of my Anchorman List too. I ended up changing 18 of the words in all.

1=A for Activist /because for me I see an activist as one of the FIRST to step up for a cause.

8=H for High school/ I was number 8 in academic rank in my high school class.

11=K for Knob/ I took Margaret's idea of a door and put a knob on it.

15=O for October/ For some reason, I kept seeing October 15th as an important day, but I couldn't understand why. I photoread the dictionary under "O" and came upon October and read that it's the eight month of the ancient Roman year. Immediately, I remembered something I learned in Latin class years ago: "march, july, OCTOBER, may, the Ides fall on the 15th day."

22=V for violin/ I play the violin and the 2's resemble 'f' holes when one of the 2's is switched around.

13=M for mystery/ I think of the 13th floor in a building that the elevator does not stop at and it's a MYSTERY to me what's on that floor and how you get there.

16=P for party/ You have a birthday party to celebrate your sweet sixteen.

14=N for nickel/ 1+4 = 5 for the worth of a nickel.

It was pretty fun to make this list. The next step is practicing using it.