Thanks Shawn,

1. That's what I was afraid of because the entire largest wall of her bedroom is one big mirror. It's going to take a lot of creativity to cover all that up, but I guess it has to be done.

2. Front door is facing South. So it has a yearly disaster star and 3 killings on it (Period 8 -- South 2 and 3 of the charts in DFS level 3)
Besides putting up our large 6 rod windchimes outside of the entrance, we also placed a pair of dragon-horses on the inside next to the entrance. How literally should we take it that they should be facing out? The way these are made it would be very odd to be looking at the back of them, and having them face the wall right next to the front door (maybe you'd need to see them to appreciate my meaning).

3. We usually have our meals in the backyard. I also meditate in the backyard (lying in the, don't laugh!)
Aught I be mindful of how my body is positioned in regards to the 3 killings while meditating reclined like this? This might be a stretch as it is outdoors but I want to ask anyway.

Thank you!